Alliance Storage Technologies Releases New NETArchive NAS Storage Solution
Alliance Storage Technologies (ASTI) continue their legacy of optical data archiving with the release of the new NETArchive solution.
This high-capacity NAS solution has a modular system architecture in order to adapt to specific needs and requirements through integration of on-premises, cloud or hybrid storage with centralized local control and management.
Central to ASTI’s archive storage solution is the Archive Management Software Pro (AMS Pro) which provides the intelligence and functionality necessary to configure and deploy a solution that solves the underlying business challenges associated with long-term data retention.
AMS Pro supports the capabilities of system hardware components including high-speed Fibre Channel or Super USB communications, up to 24TB of nearline RAID storage, and optical libraries with 1.5TB media cartridges. Additional features include variable redundancy options, high availability via replication, cloud storage for archiving and offsite backup, and encryption for data security.
Integrated with Sony’s Optical Disc Archive technology (WORM media technology with a >50 + year media lifespan), the NETArchive solution can accommodate enterprise archives from 45TB to 802.5TB within a single rack, small to medium archives up to 15TB, and simultaneously expand infinitely offline or to the cloud.
The incorporated optical drives feature dual optical heads and data channels for faster reads and writes and high 10k+ RPM speed for faster data ransfers.
According to ASTI, the system delivers 10 times the data transfer performance over prior generations.