Artificial Intelligence: the possibilities for online marketing
Artificial Intelligence is no longer a dream for the future. A proper use of it offers many possibilities for new, striking campaigns.
The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) still evokes an image of the distant future in many people, one in which we see robots walking on the street and holograms determine the advertisements on buildings. However, companies are already using AI in many fields. Customer Service? Can largely be done with AI chatbots. Logistics? Unleash AI and it will come up with the most efficient routes. Customer profiles? Data mining can AI do the best and it will tell you how to immediately link it to customers. But what will be the possibilities in the field of online marketing?
What is AI already used for?
As with most innovations, the use of AI is older than you think. Academics were already working on AI after WWII and most people probably know that in 1997 Kasparov, the reigning world chess champion, first lost to chess computer Deep Blue.
However, most of the applications of that time are highly specialized and depend on human knowledge. For example, Deep Blue was tweaked between matches against Kasparov with knowledge of chess experts. Only since the early 2010's have technological advancements in hardware been enough to also represent a breakthrough in deep learning. This is a method that trains AI in a similar way as the human brain learns by making connections. These breakthroughs, especially in the field of image recognition, accelerated AI and ensured that more and more applications for AI have been presented in recent years.
Chatbots and Self-Driving Cars
Today, almost everything you do online is dominated by AI. Google practically knows what you're looking for before you type it into the search bar, Amazon has your order ready before you visit the website, Facebook has already changed your status from "single" to "in a relationship" before your date has been finished. AI has evolved to such an extent that it no longer relies on human prior knowledge to formulate decisions.
All these leaps ensured that AI also became accessible to smaller entrepreneurs. Most online stores now have a simple chatbot to handle the first line of customer service. Recommendation based on previous purchases is now also normal, this online leadgeneratie is an effective way that can lead to more online sales Even the smallest web shops benefit from the AI models of Google Analytics.
What will the future bring us?
Imagine applications whereby you can try out make-up or glasses yourself; in the future you might be served ads with non-existent models who just happen to have about the same physique as you. Research shows that you are more interested in clothing if you can better identify yourself with the model.
The GPT-3 is another development which has a (starting) form of General Intelligence. Where an AI is usually trained on a specific task, GPT-3 can accomplish a whole lot of text-related tasks. This is made possible because GPT-3 reads all texts on the internet, on all subjects. By using Reddit as a quality measure, the makers hope to ward off the many nonsense that can be found on the internet. If you would like to develop a no-nonsense online marketing business and would like to use the best software or hardware with the right skills you can also outsource this business process by online marketing uitbesteden. Let your business case be marketed by a professional that helps and guides you through the process and will make you understand how the AI can help you with your online marketing.