At&T MediaFLO Set for Launch
We still don't have a launch date other than the rather large window of Q1 '08, but AT&T's starting to prep its peeps on the launch of its MediaFLO-based mobile TV service, so we figure that's a good sign.
We've learned here that in addition to the eight standard channels of programming MediaFLO has deployed -- all of which are available on Verizon's competing VCAST TV service -- AT&T will pick up two exclusive channels that are yet to be named. Pricing has also yet to be announced, but we see here that it'll be available either standalone or in a bundle with MEdia Net and Cellular Video (we still can't believe they didn't change that acronym after the Cingular name went away, by the way). Two "new devices" will be offered for the service, one of which we know to be the Vu. A grand total of 53 cities will be covered at launch, covering about 129 million people