Business Card CD-ROM Sales Are Booming
"..Yes, and it works! And more shapes are on the way. Most people don't know this, but a CD-ROM does not have to be round.
Reel One Media, with headquarters in Towson, Md., announces the newest, and maybe one of the coolest, business presentation tools in years. It's called the "PalmCD" because it fits in the palm of your hand. The new card is a unique hybrid between conventional business or credit cards and the robust interactive capabilities of a CD-ROM. The PalmCD can be played on any CD-ROM drive or audio CD player that has a spindle or a CD tray.
PalmCDs, which are the size and shape of a normal business card, can store any type of digital information; multimedia presentations, Web links, audio, video, 3D animation, software demos, licensed content and more. It can be presented as a regular business card, but with the added capabilities of a CD-ROM.." NULL
Reel One Media, with headquarters in Towson, Md., announces the newest, and maybe one of the coolest, business presentation tools in years. It's called the "PalmCD" because it fits in the palm of your hand. The new card is a unique hybrid between conventional business or credit cards and the robust interactive capabilities of a CD-ROM. The PalmCD can be played on any CD-ROM drive or audio CD player that has a spindle or a CD tray.
PalmCDs, which are the size and shape of a normal business card, can store any type of digital information; multimedia presentations, Web links, audio, video, 3D animation, software demos, licensed content and more. It can be presented as a regular business card, but with the added capabilities of a CD-ROM.." NULL