CD-R/RW dominance over other removable media drives during 2000
According to market research firm IDC (http://www.idc.com/Press/default.htm):
"..The big story during 2000 will be CD-RW and DVD-ROM. They will grow faster than the overall market with increases of 93% and 55%, respectively. DVD-Rec will be the highest growth segment with a 213% increase, bringing shipments to a respectable 847,000."
We predict CD-R/RW drives with DVD-ROM reading capability to be the preferred removable media drives of choice for PC users towards the end of this year. ;) NULL
"..The big story during 2000 will be CD-RW and DVD-ROM. They will grow faster than the overall market with increases of 93% and 55%, respectively. DVD-Rec will be the highest growth segment with a 213% increase, bringing shipments to a respectable 847,000."
We predict CD-R/RW drives with DVD-ROM reading capability to be the preferred removable media drives of choice for PC users towards the end of this year. ;) NULL