Corel Announces Ulead-Brand VideoStudio 10 Vista Update Pack
Users of the Ulead VideoStudio 10 can now install a free update pack to make the software compatible with Windows Vista.
Available immediately, the update pack installs in current versions of VideoStudio 10 and VideoStudio 10 Plus and confers "Works with Windows Vista" compatibility to the video editing software.
For consumers who upgrade to the latest OS from Microsoft, or who buy new PCs with Vista pre-installed, a simple update is all thats needed to continue to use their current version of VideoStudio with Windows Vista. The VideoStudio Vista Update Pack is available for English, German, French, Japanese and Traditional Chinese versions of VideoStudio 10. Registered users can download the update pack free of charge from any of Uleads Websites. A single pack updates all languages.
The update can be downloaded from http://www.ulead.com/tech/vs/vs_ftp.htm.
For consumers who upgrade to the latest OS from Microsoft, or who buy new PCs with Vista pre-installed, a simple update is all thats needed to continue to use their current version of VideoStudio with Windows Vista. The VideoStudio Vista Update Pack is available for English, German, French, Japanese and Traditional Chinese versions of VideoStudio 10. Registered users can download the update pack free of charge from any of Uleads Websites. A single pack updates all languages.
The update can be downloaded from http://www.ulead.com/tech/vs/vs_ftp.htm.