Crucial BX300 480GB SSD review
7. Anvil Pro
The ‘all inclusive’ Anvil Pro software tests transfer speeds as well as IOPS. The IOPS tests can be configurable with preset testing scenarios for read (Seq 4MB, 4K, 4K QD4, 4K QD16, 32K and 128K), write (Seq 4MB, 4K, 4K QD4, 4K QD16) and mixed IO.
We used the software with the Crucial BX300 SSD and tested the drive with 0-fill compression (RAW), 8% compression, 25% compression, 45% compression, 67% compression and finally 100 % (incompressible data).
Somehow the results we got from the Anvil Pro benchmark unveiled a slow performance for the BX300 SSD mainly in the write part.
As you see in the first chart below, the BX300 was fast in the sequential 4MB read test, although it is not ranking in the first places:
The drive was fast in the 4K random read test, but remaind slower than the Samsung 850 Pro 850 EVO SSDs in the rest srandom read tests:
The situation got worse for the BX300 SSD throughout the write tests, although we ran the write benchark many times and even in a different PC. The result was an overall low score in the Anvil Pro suite: