CyberDrive DM126D DVD-ROM
3. DAE Tests
Cyber Drive DM126D DVD-ROM - Page 3
DAE Tests
Test Method:
We used CD DAE 99 v0.2 with AudioCDs in order to check DAE performance
of the Cyber Drive DM-126D and we compared it with the Pioneer DVD-104F and
DVD-105 models.
- Pressed AudioCD results:
Another pleasant surprise from the DM-126D. CD DAE 99 reported that its
average speed was 24X, and this is very fast compared to the other two. A
small price to pay for such a speed is a very small number of errors, actually
45 out of 773337600 and no track errors at all. CPU Usage is also interesting,
since the process seems to need a lot of processing power when done with the
DM-126D. The Pioneer competitors fall way behind as you can see in the following
diagram :
- Advanced DAE Quality
Just look at this... need we say more? This drive is ideal for Digital Audio Extractions. A blazing average speed, no sync errors, and a quality score of 100. The Pioneer drives couldn't keep up, with locked speeds and lots of sync errors :
very strong point of the DM-126D is its ability to read 90min and 99min CDs.
Not only that, but unlike its two competitors, it was able to complete a full
EAC rip of a 99min Audio CD. Just look at the screenshot on your right. Sure,
the speed dropped at as low as 5.8x, but the process was able to complete.
Both the two Pioneer drives made screeching noises and both crashed the Windows
2000 test machine.