DVDFab Acceleartes Blu-ray Converting Speed
China-based Fengtao Software, the developer of the DVDFab family of Blu-ray copying software, has developed a new-tech called "Lightning-Recoding," which is used in the Blu-ray Copy product to increase converting speed.
The Lightning-Recoding will be automatically activated in "Full Disc" and "Main Movie" mode of Blu-ray Copy, when the source is progressive H264 video, and when it comes to compression.
Lightning-Recoding reuses the original information of the source video to decrease the calculating work during compression, thus increasing the converting speed to approximately 40%, the company claims.
For example, in the same environment (processor - Intel Core i7-860; memory size - 3GB; graphics card - Geforce GTX 460), under the "Main Movie" mode of Blu-ray Copy, the converting speed of Avatar is 120 min when the 'Lightning-Recoding' is not used, while with Lightning-Recoding enabled, the speed turns out to be 84 min.
NVIDIA CUDA technology further accelerates the Blu-ray Copy procedure.
Blu-ray titles are copy-protected and any software that circumvents this protection is prohibited in most countries.
Lightning-Recoding reuses the original information of the source video to decrease the calculating work during compression, thus increasing the converting speed to approximately 40%, the company claims.
For example, in the same environment (processor - Intel Core i7-860; memory size - 3GB; graphics card - Geforce GTX 460), under the "Main Movie" mode of Blu-ray Copy, the converting speed of Avatar is 120 min when the 'Lightning-Recoding' is not used, while with Lightning-Recoding enabled, the speed turns out to be 84 min.
NVIDIA CUDA technology further accelerates the Blu-ray Copy procedure.
Blu-ray titles are copy-protected and any software that circumvents this protection is prohibited in most countries.