Google to Alert Searchers To Hacked Websites
Google has added a new notification to its search results
that helps people know when a site may have been hacked.
The search results notification will help people avoid sites
that may have been compromised and altered by a third party,
typically for spam.
"We use a variety of automated tools to detect common signs of a hacked site as quickly as possible. When we detect something suspicious, we'll add the notification to our search results," Google said. "We'll also do our best to contact the site's webmaster via their Webmaster Tools account and any contact email addresses we can find on the webpage. We hope webmasters will also appreciate these notices, because it will help you more quickly discover when someone may be abusing your site so you can correct the problem."
Once a problem has been fixed, the warning label will be automatically removed from Google's search results, usually in a matter of days, Google added.
The Mountain View, California-based Internet giant also added new languages and domains to its "Instant" search feature that delivers suggested results with each key stroke of a query.
Google's translation service was given upgrades that include providing alternatives as to what the intended meaning of phrases might be.
"We use a variety of automated tools to detect common signs of a hacked site as quickly as possible. When we detect something suspicious, we'll add the notification to our search results," Google said. "We'll also do our best to contact the site's webmaster via their Webmaster Tools account and any contact email addresses we can find on the webpage. We hope webmasters will also appreciate these notices, because it will help you more quickly discover when someone may be abusing your site so you can correct the problem."

Once a problem has been fixed, the warning label will be automatically removed from Google's search results, usually in a matter of days, Google added.
The Mountain View, California-based Internet giant also added new languages and domains to its "Instant" search feature that delivers suggested results with each key stroke of a query.
Google's translation service was given upgrades that include providing alternatives as to what the intended meaning of phrases might be.