First HTC Brand Campaign
HTC's first ever brand campaign in the US. This is a huge milestone for them since they have traditionally let the carriers take most of the recognition of the devices and then the HTC name is a small piece of that.
This national campaign will highlight a variety of iconic devices that HTC is known for i.e. touch screen devices, sliding and tilt QWERTY keyboards, etc. But, the overall premise is to create brand awareness and excitement for HTC, rather than focusing on just one device. The campaign shows the various phases of life and how one?s life intersects with their HTC device.
This will be a multi-faceted campaign that will kick off the week of April 21 with TV (cable, in-flight and movie theater placements), outdoor (subways stations, airports, etc.), print, and online spots. As you can imagine, this is quite a feat for a company as humble as HTC.
check out HTC's first commercial spot which is now online: http://www.youtube.com/HTC
This will be a multi-faceted campaign that will kick off the week of April 21 with TV (cable, in-flight and movie theater placements), outdoor (subways stations, airports, etc.), print, and online spots. As you can imagine, this is quite a feat for a company as humble as HTC.
check out HTC's first commercial spot which is now online: http://www.youtube.com/HTC