Google Announces Auction Results for Android Search
Google has announced the results of an auction process to find alternative search engines for Android users.
Rival search engines bid to be included on a list of four, with users picking the one they want as their default. in the EU.
The change was demanded by the European Commission, which found Google was abusing its monopoly by tying Android-powered phone and tablets into its own search engine. It also issued Google with a record $5bn fine.
Starting from March, new Android customers will be given a choice of four search engines to use as a default on their phones and tablets.
Microsoft's Bing came in dead last, behind DuckDuckGo, Info.com, and several local choices.DuckDuckGo will be the most frequently offered alternative, while Microsoft's Bing will be offered as an alternative in the UK only. Google will always be on the list. Other search engines that will now appear to users include GMX, Info.com, Qwant, Yandex and PrivacyWall.
DuckDuckGo will be shown in the highest position on the screen in 29 of the 31 countries. Info.com came in second, with 16 second-place finishes. And then there were local choices, like GMX, PrivacyWall, Qwant, Yandex, and others:
Choice Screen Auction OptionsPeriod March 1, 2020 - June 30, 2020
Country | Winners |
Austria | DuckDuckGo, GMX, Info.com |
Belgium | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, Qwant |
Bulgaria | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, PrivacyWall |
Croatia | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, PrivacyWall |
Czech Republic | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, Seznam |
Denmark | DuckDuckGo, Givero, Info.com |
Estonia | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, Yandex |
Finland | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, Yandex |
France | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, Qwant |
Germany | DuckDuckGo, GMX, Info.com |
Greece | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, Qwant |
Hungary | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, PrivacyWall |
Iceland | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, PrivacyWall |
Ireland | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, PrivacyWall |
Italy | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, Qwant |
Latvia | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, Yandex |
Liechtenstein | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, Qwant |
Lithuania | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, Yandex |
Luxembourg | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, Qwant |
Malta | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, PrivacyWall |
Netherlands | DuckDuckGo, GMX, Info.com |
Norway | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, PrivacyWall |
Poland | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, Yandex |
Portugal | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, Qwant |
Republic of Cyprus | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, PrivacyWall |
Romania | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, PrivacyWall |
Slovakia | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, Seznam |
Slovenia | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, PrivacyWall |
Spain | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, Qwant |
Sweden | DuckDuckGo, Info.com, PrivacyWall |
United Kingdom | Bing, DuckDuckGo, Info.com |
Note: Google will be an option in all countries.
Bing’s share of the mobile search market is less than 1 percent, which is, granted, higher than that of DuckDuckGo (.20 percent). Google currently owns about 90 percent of this market.
The search engines on offer will vary for each EU country but the process has been the same, with each rival search engine telling Google how much it is willing to pay. The three highest bidders are then shown to users. The auction will be repeated every four months.