iPhone Gets facebook Applications
Facebook expanded the Facebook Connect to Apple's iPhone and iPod touch, allowing users to connect with Facebook friends in their favorite applications from Apple's App Store.
Facebook Connect for the iPhone debuted with nine applications available at Apple's online iTunes store and a promise that more will launch in coming days.
It includes software programs tailored to mesh with the Facebook operating platform let social-networking service users play games with each other online, share restaurant reviews while on the move, and locate friends. Facebook members can use the community-oriented applications through iPhones as they would if they were connecting through a home computer.
For instance, users can use Facebook Connect with the Urban Spoon application. Once connected, users can see which restaurants their friends have reviewed on the iPhone as they are walking to dinner and share their thoughts afterwards.
Facebook launched Connect last year as a way to break down the walls between the social networking service and other websites and services on the Internet.
It includes software programs tailored to mesh with the Facebook operating platform let social-networking service users play games with each other online, share restaurant reviews while on the move, and locate friends. Facebook members can use the community-oriented applications through iPhones as they would if they were connecting through a home computer.
For instance, users can use Facebook Connect with the Urban Spoon application. Once connected, users can see which restaurants their friends have reviewed on the iPhone as they are walking to dinner and share their thoughts afterwards.
Facebook launched Connect last year as a way to break down the walls between the social networking service and other websites and services on the Internet.