Kingston 32GB DataTraveler MicroDuo review
3. Final words
The 32GB Kingston DataTraveler microDuo USB-OTG drive is a handy little device that will offer your Android phone or tablet some extra storage space. Alternatively, it will help you easily transfer your files from a mobile to your PC or laptop, and vise versa.
In theory, that's really convenient. However in practice, you need to have at least one compatible device to get this flash drive working, meaning devices with Android 4.0+ and OTG support. This feature comes onboard with stock ROM's at the latest devices, but in older devices you may have to install a custom ROM with kernel that has OTG embedded. Anyway, plugged into our LG G Pad 8.3 Android tablet, it worked like charm.
In addition, have in mind that Kingston's small device won't be a speed daemon, as you should expect around 22.0MB/sec in sequential reads. The 6.0 MB/sec writing speed we measured will eventually get your files across your devices -- it's slow but still faster than Wi-fi.
In addition, while these speeds are available over full-size USB, don't expect similar performance when connected to a phone or tablet, as performance varies widely from one device to the next. These slower speeds will be most evident when transferring larger files, but individual documents and photos should transfer relatively quickly.
The Kingston 32GB DataTraveler microDuo is available from Amazon for $19, which is a very reasonable price for a small 32GB USB storage device.