Lead Data looks to hike its OEM price next month
Lead Data, a second-tier manufacturer of optical discs in Taiwan, expects to cease reducing its CD-R stock volume by the end of this month and hopes to raise its OEM quotation next month, according to the company.
CD-R prices have hit bottom, forcing many makers in China to shut down their operations while others have reduced production. Lead Data is adjusting its inventory levels to help stabilize CD-R price levels and help the market rebound, the company indicated. Although Lead Data is unable to push up CD-R OEM price levels alone, the company is optimistic about the CD-R pricing outlook.
Lead Datas current domestic monthly capacity is 30 million CD-R discs and five million DVD-R discs. The company also has a Hong Kong factory with a monthly capacity of five million CD-R discs. Sony is Lead Datas largest customer, receiving 80% of the companys output.
From digiTimes