LiteOn LDW-811S Dual DVD recorder
9. 3T Jitter Tests 1
Review Pages
2. Data CD Reading Tests
3. DVD Reading Tests
4. CD Error Correction Tests
5. DVD Error Correction Tests
6. Protected Disc Tests
7. DAE Tests
8. CD Recording Tests
9. 3T Jitter Tests 1
10. 3T Jitter Tests 2
11. C1 / C2 Error Measurements
12. DVD Recording Tests
13. PI / PO Error Measurements
14. Conclusion
LiteOn LDW-811S DVD±RW recorder - Page 9
Writing Quality Tests - 3T Jitter Tests
On an 80min 48X CD-R disc from Taiyo Yuden we burned the same AudioCD project at 8x, 16x, 24x and 40x. The 3T Pit & Land Jitter graphs are presented here.
- 3T Pit results
Generally the drive did not introduce high 3T pit jitter with the specific media. The highest 3T pit jitter was reported from the disc recorded at 16x, in the outer tracks. In general the Jitter remain below the Red Book limit of 35nsec at all speeds. Results of the 40x recorded disc is especially good.
The average 3T Pit Jitter values for all recording speeds are illustrated in the following table.
Here it can be clearly seen that the pit jitter level is low and well within specs.
- 3T Land results
As with pit jitter, land jitter is also quite low and below the Red Book limit of 35nsec. Only at 40x writing speed was there a slight increase and that towards the end, but other than that, land jitter was quite low at all speeds.
And just to confirm it, the average jitter for all speeds presented in the graph below show just how low the values land jitter was.
Recording Speed
Average 3T Pit Jitter (ns)
Average 3T Land Jitter (ns)
> 35ns
Max 3T jitter values (ns)
34 Pit, 29 Land
41 Pit, 26Land
38 Pit, 26 Land
34 Pit, 35 Land
- Summary
The LiteOn LDW-811s in general presented low jitter values, and while the table above shows that the drive did go over the 35ns Red Book limit (pitt jitter only), the average jitter values indicate a drive that operates well within the limits. What is especially pleasing is that at 40x the values are well within limits.
The following page where we check the jitter levels produced on various manufacturers discs, should give a better indication of the writing quality level of the drive.
Review Pages
2. Data CD Reading Tests
3. DVD Reading Tests
4. CD Error Correction Tests
5. DVD Error Correction Tests
6. Protected Disc Tests
7. DAE Tests
8. CD Recording Tests
9. 3T Jitter Tests 1
10. 3T Jitter Tests 2
11. C1 / C2 Error Measurements
12. DVD Recording Tests
13. PI / PO Error Measurements
14. Conclusion