Memorex D² External
6. DAE Tests
Review Pages
2. Transfer Rate Reading Tests
3. CD Error Correction Tests
4. DVD Error Correction Tests
5. Protected Disc Tests
6. DAE Tests
7. Protected AudioCDs
8. CD Recording Tests
9. 3T Jitter Tests
10. C1 / C2 Error Measurements
11. DVD Recording Tests
12. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 1
13. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 2
14. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 3
15. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 4
16. DVD+R DL - Page 1
17. DVD+R DL - Page 2
18. F16 vs. SA300 - Page 1
19. F16 vs. SA300 - Page 2
20. F16 vs. SA300 - Page 3
21. F16 vs. SA300 - Page 4
22. BookType Setting
23. Conclusion
Memorex D² External Recorder - Page 6
- Pressed and CDR AudioCD
The Memorex D² External supports up to 48X CAV DAE speed. When using pressed AudioCD and its CD-R copy with EAC, we logged the following results:
The Memorex drive reports the same results with LiteON drives. The LG model on the other hand, because of its 40X speed, reports slower speeds.
According to Exact Audio Copy drive properties, the Memorex D² External does not support caching but can copy accurate stream and can report C2 errors.
- Advanced DAE QualityThe Memorex F16 received a score of 100 (perfect) in the Nero CD Speed Advanced DAE test. Its average reading speed was again faster than LG GSA-4160B.
- Reading 90/ 99mins AudioCDs
- 90min AudioCD
- 99min AudioCD
When we tested the internal Memorex 16X recorder, we observed a strange behavior, with the drive being unable to read the 90 minute audio CD where it produced an "UNRECOVERED READ ERROR", while the 99 minute audio CD was no problem for the recorder. Exactly the same behavior was reported by the external version of the drive.
Review Pages
2. Transfer Rate Reading Tests
3. CD Error Correction Tests
4. DVD Error Correction Tests
5. Protected Disc Tests
6. DAE Tests
7. Protected AudioCDs
8. CD Recording Tests
9. 3T Jitter Tests
10. C1 / C2 Error Measurements
11. DVD Recording Tests
12. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 1
13. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 2
14. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 3
15. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 4
16. DVD+R DL - Page 1
17. DVD+R DL - Page 2
18. F16 vs. SA300 - Page 1
19. F16 vs. SA300 - Page 2
20. F16 vs. SA300 - Page 3
21. F16 vs. SA300 - Page 4
22. BookType Setting
23. Conclusion