New ATI Catalyst 9.1 Drivers Add OpenGL 3.0 Support
AMD released a new set of drivers for its graphics cards.
This release of ATI Catalyst provides full OpenGL 3.0 extension support.
The following is a list of OpenGL 3.0 extensions added in Catalyst 9.1:
- ARB_framebuffer_object
- ARB_half_float_vertex
- ARB_texture_rg
- EXT_texture_array
- EXT_texture_integer
- EXT_transform_feedback
- NV_conditional_render
- WGL/GLX_create_context (for new 3.0 contexts)
- GLSL 1.3
- ARB_color_buffer_float
- ARB_vertex_array_object
- EXT_draw_buffers2
The drivers also resolve many issues under Windows Xp and Vista. The complete release notes are available here.
For downloads, visit http://game.amd.com/us-en/drivers_catalyst.aspx
The following is a list of OpenGL 3.0 extensions added in Catalyst 9.1:
- ARB_framebuffer_object
- ARB_half_float_vertex
- ARB_texture_rg
- EXT_texture_array
- EXT_texture_integer
- EXT_transform_feedback
- NV_conditional_render
- WGL/GLX_create_context (for new 3.0 contexts)
- GLSL 1.3
- ARB_color_buffer_float
- ARB_vertex_array_object
- EXT_draw_buffers2
The drivers also resolve many issues under Windows Xp and Vista. The complete release notes are available here.
For downloads, visit http://game.amd.com/us-en/drivers_catalyst.aspx