Opera Lets US Users Buy Crypto With Apple Pay or Debit Card
The Web 3-ready Opera browser has made it easier to buy Bitcoin and Ethereum and spend it too.
The Opera browser, armed with built-in crypto wallet, is now letting its US users purchase cryptocurrencies using a debit card or Apple Pay.
Easy crypto top ups are available in Opera’s flagship Android browser, its iOS browser Opera Touch as well as in the crypto wallet available in its desktop browser.
The integrated solution is available in the United States and Scandinavia.
In December of 2018, the Norwegian company introduced the first blockchain-enabled browser, Opera for Android, with a built-in crypto wallet and Dapp explorer. Opera then proceeded to add a built-in crypto wallet to its desktop browser as well as to its iOS browser, Opera Touch. It later introduced easy crypto-purchases in Sweden, Norway and Denmark, and is now expanding them to the United States.
In the US, Opera is partnering with Wyre, a US cryptocurrency-brokerage firm, to enable crypto-purchases directly from the browser’s crypto wallet. Opera Android users in the US can now buy BTC and ETH using a debit card. iOS users can simply use Apple Pay.
Wyre’s solution on Apple devices works with Apple Pay, which makes it possible to top up an account in less than 30 seconds.
Opera also plans to introduce seamless top-ups in other countries very soon.
To test the new, easy crypto wallet top ups in Opera for Android or Opera Touch available in the United States, download the Opera browser from the Google Play store or Opera Touch from Apple’s App Store.