Panasonic Joins The OLED TV Camp, Showcases Head-mounted Display
Among the most interesting products available at Panasonic's booth at CES is the 65-inch TX-65EZ1000 4K OLED TV and a head-mounted VR display featuring resolution of 6K.
Panasonic's HDR-compatible 4K OLED TV is scheduled to debut in Europe in June 2017.
Panasonic says that is has doubled the TV's brightness (800nit) compared to a conventional OLED TV, and that the new OLED display covers almost the complete DCI color space defined by Digital Cinema Initiatives (DCI).
The TV incorporates Panasonic's latest processing engine, the Studio Color HCX 2 processor, and also features a 80W Technic's Dynamic Blade speaker system (2 tweeters, 4 midranges and 8 woofer units).
Panasonic's VR HMD offers a 220-degree viewing angle and a resolution of 6K. For comparison, Sony's PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift and HTC VIVE VR headsets offer horizontal display angles of around 100 degrees.
The VR-HMD utilizes 4 video panels, two for each eye. Each panel has a resolution of 1,600 x 1,440 pixels, forming an overall display image resolution of 6,400 x 1,440 pixels.
The prototype model dislayed at CES is close to its final version, according to Panasonic.