Promise FastTrack TX2000
8. IPEAK Tests
Promise FastTrack TX2000 - Page 8
- Combined Read/Writing Tests
Intel's IPEAK test results combine both reading/writing actions and give a weighted score based upon each drive performance in each specific task. The height of each bar is the measured mean service time per disk access for a drive stimulated with I/Os from the given workload. Shorter bars represent better performance. As we will see a drive that scores well in the "Desktop" test doesn't mean that will perform the same as the "Server" mode, since the I/O operations are different.
At the above picture, the weighted (Average) score of all tested drive is shown up. The best results at the "DeskTop" test, come from "Strip 1024" and "Strip 512Kb" block size setting. Using "Strip" blocks of 8, 64 and 128Kb does affect performance and increases Mean Service Time. At the "Server" test, the Strip block doesn't seem to affect performance and all "Strip" blocks have the same result. With RAID-1 we can increased performance than with ATA100 connection interface.