SINGULUS Delivers First Coating Machine for Silicon Solar Cells
SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES has delivered the first inline coating machine for anti-reflective coating of silicon solar cells with the product name SINGULAR to a European manufacturer of silicon solar cells.
Seeking profit in new markets besides the manufacturing equipment for producing optical storage media, SINGULUS last year developed a new concept for a coating machine for silicon solar cells with the product name SINGULAR. The machine integration know how, which SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES has proven in the automation of CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc production machines, was an optimum starting point for the development of the new SINGULAR plant.
With the SINGULAR coating machine the production of the anti-reflective layer on solar wafers is automated. With a particularly high quality of the anti-reflective layer measuring nanometers only, the light transmission and passivation properties are improved and therefore the energy efficiency of the produced cells enhanced.
The AR-coating with the SINGULAR machine is an important component in the production process of solar cells and ties directly to the value-added chain of the wet-chemical cleaning with LINEA machines. LINEA is STANGLs new inline machine for wet-chemical cleaning and etching of crystalline solar wafers with horizontal product transport. SINGULUS developed a proprietary, fully-automated wafer handling system for the integration and connection of the wet-chemical cleaning and etching steps. The wafer handling system is built in modules and automates the transport of the silicon wafer, e.g. from the cleaning process in a LINEA machine to the AR-coating in the SINGULAR machine.
SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES together with STANGL plan to systematically expand the Solar activities. STANGL is one of the well-known providers of wet-chemical machines for both the crystalline silicon solar technology as well as for the thin-film solar technology.
With the SINGULAR coating machine the production of the anti-reflective layer on solar wafers is automated. With a particularly high quality of the anti-reflective layer measuring nanometers only, the light transmission and passivation properties are improved and therefore the energy efficiency of the produced cells enhanced.
The AR-coating with the SINGULAR machine is an important component in the production process of solar cells and ties directly to the value-added chain of the wet-chemical cleaning with LINEA machines. LINEA is STANGLs new inline machine for wet-chemical cleaning and etching of crystalline solar wafers with horizontal product transport. SINGULUS developed a proprietary, fully-automated wafer handling system for the integration and connection of the wet-chemical cleaning and etching steps. The wafer handling system is built in modules and automates the transport of the silicon wafer, e.g. from the cleaning process in a LINEA machine to the AR-coating in the SINGULAR machine.
SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES together with STANGL plan to systematically expand the Solar activities. STANGL is one of the well-known providers of wet-chemical machines for both the crystalline silicon solar technology as well as for the thin-film solar technology.