Tech info: What is Z-CLV?
Erik Deppe ,author of CD Speed 99, emailed and informed us about the new Z-CLV (Zone-CLV) recording technology, which the Waitec MEGALUS 24/10/40 CDR-W drive supports:
"...I think it's impossible to have a 24x CLV drive. This would mean the drive would spin at 12000RPM at the beginning of the disc!!! (just multiply X speed with 500). That's as fast as a 56x drive, and you probably know how noisy they are :-)
I just read the details. It's Z-CLV (I think it stands for Zoned-CLV). Now THAT is interesting. This is not the same as CLV. Z-CLV is first part CLV (16x), then CAV (16-24x) and then CLV again (24x). This is slower than P-CAV. So the question would be: at which position does the drive increase it's speed?.."

You can find more details about Z-CLV among with pictures over CD Speed website. NULL
"...I think it's impossible to have a 24x CLV drive. This would mean the drive would spin at 12000RPM at the beginning of the disc!!! (just multiply X speed with 500). That's as fast as a 56x drive, and you probably know how noisy they are :-)
I just read the details. It's Z-CLV (I think it stands for Zoned-CLV). Now THAT is interesting. This is not the same as CLV. Z-CLV is first part CLV (16x), then CAV (16-24x) and then CLV again (24x). This is slower than P-CAV. So the question would be: at which position does the drive increase it's speed?.."

You can find more details about Z-CLV among with pictures over CD Speed website. NULL