XFX 8800GTS 512 Alpha Dog Edition
9. Conclusion
Nvidia released in 2007 many new models, including the recent ones, the 8800GT and the 8800GTS 512. In this review we tested the XFX 8800GTS 512 Alpha Dog Edition that clocked higher than the generic 8800GTS 512MB models. With an 678MHz core, 986MHz memory and 1700MHz shader clocks it's very fast or close to a 8800GT series...? Yes that's correct. We expected the 8800GTS 512 to perform much higher at least compared to the "generic" 8800GT series. We've seen an increased performance of 10%, but with the 8800GT overclocked cards we had already tested, we witnessed similar and even equal performance. The only case we achieved much higher FPS was at the game Crysis, but then again we used a newer driver that supposed to fix the performance after all.
The XFX 8800GTS 512 Alpha Dog Edition retail package is a full with the Lost Planet retail game included as well as cables and converters. The performance difference is not that high, but possible users should keep in mind that the 8800GT series do seem to suffer from heat problems and the possibility to have a good and stable overclocked card is rather unlikely. On the other hand, the 8800GTS 512 series is using a dual slot cooling system and it's proved to be easily overclocked. Looking at the retail price can be an indicator for future buyers:
XFX 8800GTS 512 Alpha Dog Edition |
£224.99 Inc VAT |
XFX 8800GT Alpha Dog Edition XXX |
£197.98 Inc VAT |
The difference of £27.01 for the two cards could be a judging indicator for possible buyers. Again we are satisfied with the new 8800GTS 512 series, even if we expected a higher performance.