LG Electronics will soon release its new 86-inch digital signage called 'Ultra Stretch' with 58:9 aspect ratio. This product has the widest aspect ratio out...
LG Electronics will launch its X series, a mass-tier smartphone lineup with premium features until now only available on LG’s flagship models, starting...
LG electronics will soon release hardware and and software tools to promote the development of modules compatuble with its latest G5 flagship smartphone. Speaking to...
LG Electronics on Monday unveiled the first smartphone to feature DAB+, the standard for digital radio broadcasting. LG introduced its newest smartphone at Radiodays Europe...
LG Electronicsis adding GameFly console game subscription service to LG's webOS-enabled Smart TVs. The GameFly Streaming App will launch in late April and will enable...
LG Electronics today unveiled at the Mobile World Congress 2016 its highly anticipated LG G5 smartphone, a new design with a metal uni-body featuring a...
LG Electronics continues to feed us with uinformation about its new G5 smartphone, prior to its official release. The Korean company has agreed to Danish...
LG continues to tease with announcements relate dto its upcoming flagship smartphone, This time the company announced a new version of its Quick Cover case,...