Toshiba EMI Outsources its CD Production to Memory-Tech
Memory-Tech Corporation, Kinyosha Printing Co., Ltd., Goldman Sachs Group Inc. including Goldman Sachs (Japan) Ltd., and Aitec Co., Ltd. formally agreed to become the joint assignee of the manufacturing division of Toshiba-EMI Ltd. including Gotemba Plant and Custom Sales Department.
In accordance with this agreement, Toshiba-EMI is scheduled to sell to the four companies all shares of a new company "Toemi Media Solutions Limited (assumed name)", which will be established by corporate separation of its manufacturing division on 26th December 2005. Memory-Tech will be the main shareholder of the new company.
Toshiba-EMI is one of the leading music company in Japan, and is a joint venture between Toshiba Corporation and EMI Music that conducts marketing activities in over 50 countries worldwide. The company manufacturers audio CD releases for many artists worldwide at its Gotemba Plant.
However, Toshiba-EMI has faced challenges in future investment on new manufacturing technique. As more investment is required to discover and develop artists or to produce and promote songs (A&R) in the music industry, Toshiba-EMI has realized that possible restructuring and intensifying competitions in CD manufacturing would make it more difficult to reduce the production cost.
Toshiba-EMI has carefully considered assigning the manufacturing division to companies who can maintain the employment and growth of the division with future prospects in disc manufacturing, and has determined to sell the shares to four companies including Memory-Tech, who takes aggressive growth strategies and has developed the next-generation optical disc HD DVD.
Memory-Tech Group is a leading OEM of optical disc including CDs and DVDs. The company offers a total service that includes planning, production, and distribution of CDs and DVDs to major Japanese, U.S. and Chinese film/music companies.
In collaboration with Goldman Sachs, a leading U.S. investment bank, Kinyosha and Aitec as strategic partners, the Group will take advantage of the economy of scale by actively implementing M&A domestically and internationally to expand the disc manufacturing business.
Memory-Tech Group has a plan to form a capital alliance with Goldman Sachs on the occasion of this takeover and will utilize M&A effectively. By vertically integrating the value chain from post-production of music and video to logistical service, and incorporating the disc-related businesses such as archiving or broadband distribution of music and video, the Group will aim for a market leader that integrates middle-market between content providers and end users.
Toshiba-EMI is one of the leading music company in Japan, and is a joint venture between Toshiba Corporation and EMI Music that conducts marketing activities in over 50 countries worldwide. The company manufacturers audio CD releases for many artists worldwide at its Gotemba Plant.
However, Toshiba-EMI has faced challenges in future investment on new manufacturing technique. As more investment is required to discover and develop artists or to produce and promote songs (A&R) in the music industry, Toshiba-EMI has realized that possible restructuring and intensifying competitions in CD manufacturing would make it more difficult to reduce the production cost.
Toshiba-EMI has carefully considered assigning the manufacturing division to companies who can maintain the employment and growth of the division with future prospects in disc manufacturing, and has determined to sell the shares to four companies including Memory-Tech, who takes aggressive growth strategies and has developed the next-generation optical disc HD DVD.
Memory-Tech Group is a leading OEM of optical disc including CDs and DVDs. The company offers a total service that includes planning, production, and distribution of CDs and DVDs to major Japanese, U.S. and Chinese film/music companies.
In collaboration with Goldman Sachs, a leading U.S. investment bank, Kinyosha and Aitec as strategic partners, the Group will take advantage of the economy of scale by actively implementing M&A domestically and internationally to expand the disc manufacturing business.
Memory-Tech Group has a plan to form a capital alliance with Goldman Sachs on the occasion of this takeover and will utilize M&A effectively. By vertically integrating the value chain from post-production of music and video to logistical service, and incorporating the disc-related businesses such as archiving or broadband distribution of music and video, the Group will aim for a market leader that integrates middle-market between content providers and end users.