Ulead VideoStudio 11.5 Plus Updated
Newest release delivers complete high-definition solution for video editing and Blu-ray Disc Authoring; Makes it easier for users to create videos that can be uploaded directly to YouTube.
Corel today announced Ulead VideoStudio 11.5 Plus, the latest version of its consumer video editing and DVD authoring software. VideoStudio 11.5 Plus combines the benefits of VideoStudio 11 Plus and the VideoStudio 11 Plus Power Pack in one box.
VideoStudio 11.5 Plus offers a complete solution for standard- and high-definition editing and authoring. It includes the following features:
- Upload videos directly to YouTube: Users can encode and upload videos directly to YouTube from within VideoStudio 11.5 Plus.
- Blu-ray Disc (BDMV) Authoring: Users can edit their HD videos and author Blu-ray Discs complete with motion menus.
- Create AVCHD discs: Users can author HD content on standard DVD discs in the AVCHD format and play their discs on Blu-ray Disc players and Sony PlayStation 3.
- H.264 High Profile (HD) Encoding: Users can create HD videos using the H.264 video format and enjoy optimized encoding for multi-core processors, such as the Intel Core 2 Duo Quad.
- Native .TOD format (JVC HD Camcorder) Import and Editing: Users can import and edit TOD video files in native form.
- M2TS File Import: Users can import .m2ts and .mts files directly from their AVCHD disc, hard drive, or memory card camcorder.
- Bonus Software: VideoStudio 11.5 Plus includes Corels WinDVD 8 Silver playback software and Corel MediaOne Plus to enhance photos, trim video clips, produce digital scrapbooking pages and create photo and video slideshows.
VideoStudio 11.5 Plus is priced at $129.99 SRP (US and Canada), and is available starting today from www.amazon.com and www.corel.com.
VideoStudio 11.5 Plus offers a complete solution for standard- and high-definition editing and authoring. It includes the following features:
- Upload videos directly to YouTube: Users can encode and upload videos directly to YouTube from within VideoStudio 11.5 Plus.
- Blu-ray Disc (BDMV) Authoring: Users can edit their HD videos and author Blu-ray Discs complete with motion menus.
- Create AVCHD discs: Users can author HD content on standard DVD discs in the AVCHD format and play their discs on Blu-ray Disc players and Sony PlayStation 3.
- H.264 High Profile (HD) Encoding: Users can create HD videos using the H.264 video format and enjoy optimized encoding for multi-core processors, such as the Intel Core 2 Duo Quad.
- Native .TOD format (JVC HD Camcorder) Import and Editing: Users can import and edit TOD video files in native form.
- M2TS File Import: Users can import .m2ts and .mts files directly from their AVCHD disc, hard drive, or memory card camcorder.
- Bonus Software: VideoStudio 11.5 Plus includes Corels WinDVD 8 Silver playback software and Corel MediaOne Plus to enhance photos, trim video clips, produce digital scrapbooking pages and create photo and video slideshows.
VideoStudio 11.5 Plus is priced at $129.99 SRP (US and Canada), and is available starting today from www.amazon.com and www.corel.com.