Vodafone to Offer 30 Days of Free Unlimited Mobile Data for 500,000 Vulnerable Customers
Vodafone said on Friday it would introduce 30-days free access to unlimited mobile data for half a million of its Pay Monthly customers and upgrade the contracts for those who are flagged as vulnerable.
Vulnerable customers eligible for this upgrade will receive a text informing them. Half a million other Pay Monthly customers, not already on unlimited data plans, can access the offer through Vodafone’s VeryMe rewards scheme available through the My Vodafone App.
"The offer is initially limited to 500,000 customers. We will monitor usage and, if network capacity allows, it is our ambition to offer further passes to even more customers. Any Pay Monthly customer (consumers or small business) who are registered with VeryMe can apply," said Vodafone.
Vodafone is also currently offering six months half price on its 24-month SIM only unlimited plans.
Vodafone UK Chief Executive Officer Nick Jeffery said: “Our role in these difficult and worrying times is to keep the UK connected, even while we have to stay apart.
“We are offering 30 days of unlimited free data to our most vulnerable customers and the first 500,000 customers to sign up, to help ease any worries about running out of data or incurring additional charges.
“If our network capacity allows, we would love to be able to offer this to even more customers and will be monitoring the feasibility of this. In short, if we have more to give, we will.
“This is one of a series of measures that we are taking to help. We have already expanded our networks, given free access to NHS online services to our customers and reduced the time it takes to pay small suppliers.”