Blackberry Curve 8320
6. Overall Conclusions
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I love my Pearl. That being said, I think this is BlackBerry's best device to date. The 8320 is so nice to hold and use. It feels solid - there is no squeaking like the 8800 and the Pearl. The keys are very tactile and easy to use. BlackBerry Email just can't be beat and it works flawlessly on the 8320.
Throw in a good 2.0 Mega Pixel camera and full media capabilities along with flawless Synchronization with Outlook and you have (almost) the perfect device. Powerful enough for the business user and die-hard BlackBerry user and fun for those looking to also use this as an MP3 device, Video viewer and Camera.
Bluetooth Stereo is a great addition and its uses will only continue to grow.
Toss is the built in WiFi and the "Hot Spot at Home" Feature and you might just have the most feature rich Smartphone on the market today.
Final Grade: A
Pros; Great size, feel and build quality. Nice set of features, great email capabilities. A good Media device. Built in WiFI is a killer feature
Cons: Call quality was good but not great.
The BlackBerry 8320 is available for $249.00 from after a $50.00 rebate. You can find it for less on Wifefly or as well.
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