CyberDrive CW088D
4. CloneCD Reading Tests
CloneCD Reading Tests
- Procedure
We used CloneCD and 4 original CDs - Serious Sam 2 (SafeDisc 2), Desperados (LaserLock 2), V-Rally 2 Expert (SecuROM 2) and NBA Jam Extreme (PSX) - in order to test the reading time of the drives. We also tested the reading performance with backups of the original CDs, since the reading speed varies between original and backup media. The following pictures show the drive reading/writing capabilities as CloneCD reports:
- PSX Pressed Media
For this test we used the PSX game 'NBA Jam Extreme' and we ripped the image to the HD with CloneCD. Cyberdrive CW088D finished the task in 6min. The drive was not so fast and the competitive drives, especially the Asus CRW4816A, take the first two places.
- SafeDisc v.2 Results
Cyberdrive CW088D finished the task in approximately 6 minutes, for the pressed disc. In the backup CD test, the drive showed a very strange behavior and skipped the "bad sectors" very slowly. As a result , it took it almost 3 hours to finish. Yamaha CRW-F1 lead the race, followed by Asus CRW4816A.
- LaserLock v.2 Results
With the LaserLock v.2 protected disc, Cyberdrive CW088D takes the second best position behind the Asus drive, which is the fastest in the test. The Yamaha drive is even slower with both pressed and backup test discs.
- SecuROM v2.0 Results
Cyberdrive CW088D takes its revenge in the SecuROM v.2 test, and gives the best performance with 2624.18kb/sec for the pressed disc and 2604.30kb/sec for the backup one.