DVDFab Software Can Remove BD-J Protection From 4K Blu-rays
Chinese DVDFab Software says it has a decryption solution to the BD-J protections on some recently released 4K Ultra HD Blu-rays.
BD-J protection was previously used only on non-4K Blu-ray discs, until the recent 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray, the Midway (2019).
According to the company, the latest version of its DVDFab software removes BD-J protections from 4K Blu-rays, by combining its "UHDPath" and upgraded "StealthyClone" technologies.
The UHDPath is an analyzing algorithm responsible for scanning and analyzing the loaded 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray disc, in a way like a physical 4K UHD player plays an original disc, but in this case, only in the background. During the scanning process, UHDPath, working in conjunction with the upgraded StealthyClone, will find the correct playlist for users to make a main movie backup. However, when multiple fake playlists are found, StealthyClone comes in to help UHDPath pinpoint the correct one from those fake ones.
Once a BD-J protection is detected on a 4K Blu-ray disc, UHDPath can acquire its detailed information, and then hand it over to StealthyClone to further perform the removal procedures, only after which can a full disc backup become possible.
Whenever an updated BD-J protection fails UHDPath, it will automatically upload the protection information to DVDFab’s server via cloud, and developers will get their hands on the decryption mission immediately.