GBA FlashLink
7. Compatibility
Flash Advance Linker and Card - Page 7
The final tests we did on the dynamic duo is that of cartridge compatibility. Several factors have been taken into consideration in order to reach a fair judgement. Those were things like the following :
* Does the Flash Card behave exactly as the original cartridge?
* Are the colors of the game distorted in any way?
* Is the brightness and constrast the same as the original game?
* Is the flashed cart missing any options in menus?
* Is gameplay speed exactly the same on both original and flashed game?
* Does the flash card have any problems booting up on the GBA?
* Do the original cartridges drain less battery power than the Flash Card?
* Is sound the same in volume level and quality on both situations?
We kept testing and testing the variety of games we had on our hands for hours and hours. The only major flaw we found about the Flash Card was that in some games we weren't able to save our progress. But then again, patches are always under development that solve this situation for most games. The ones we tried worked like a charm.
Everything else is good news all the way. The Flash Card behaves exactly like the original in graphics, sound, and gameplay. We had no problems playing any of the tested games on the card, and we also tried a vast variety of game copies (aka ROMs) we donwloaded from the Net. As a last note, the Flash Card also seemed to need less power from the Gameboy Advance batteries to operate.