LG Lets You Talk With Your Refrigerator
LG Electronics islaunching its smart appliances with HomeChat messaging service in South Korea.
HomeChat employs Natural Language Processing (NLP) and LINE, the mobile messenger app, to let homeowners communicate, control, monitor and share content with LG's latest smart appliances. The company's premium smart appliance lineup includes a camera-equipped refrigerator, a washing machine that allows users to start and download washing cycles remotely via HomeChat and a Lightwave oven that supports NFC and WiFi for control from any location.
For convenience, the Quick Button feature enables fast access to each appliance's most commonly used functions. HomeChat also gives users the choice of three different modes: Vacation, Away and Return-home.
LG's most advanced smart refrigerator features a built-in internal refrigerator camera positioned at the top of the main compartment, allowing users to monitor exactly what's inside their refrigerator on their smartphones or tablets. The built-in camera detects the opening and closing of the refrigerator, capturing images of the food items stored inside when last opened. Using HomeChat, users can see exactly what they need to buy when they're at the grocery store or supermarket.
Using the built-in LCD panel or LG Smart Refrigerator smartphone app, users can check the content of their refrigerator without opening the door. The Smart Manager's Freshness Tracker makes it possible to input a wide range of foods and beverages to keep track of expiration dates. Smart Manager can also recommend meal options based on the ingredients stored in the refrigerator.
LG's Health Manager can make recipe recommendations as well as daily and weekly meal plans based on the user's personal profile.
With HomeChat, consumers can remotely control and monitor their LG smart washing machine from outside the home. By texting start washing cycle when they head for home, LG's smart washing machine will ensure that the laundry is completed by the time they get home. Users can also receive real time updates on the washer's progress. LG's smart washing machine is equipped with a smart touch display that makes it easy to select or download appropriate wash cycles via a WiFi connection.
With HomeChat and Recipe Search, homeowners can converse with their smart LG oven to recommend recipes for specific dishes. Select Return-home using HomeChat and the smart oven will ask, what dish would you like to make today- and open the Recipe Search window. When ready to cook, the oven will set the oven's temperature and cooking time for the particular dish.
LG also plans to introduce the HomeChat-compatible smart refrigerator, washing machine and oven in other markets including the United States.
For convenience, the Quick Button feature enables fast access to each appliance's most commonly used functions. HomeChat also gives users the choice of three different modes: Vacation, Away and Return-home.
LG's most advanced smart refrigerator features a built-in internal refrigerator camera positioned at the top of the main compartment, allowing users to monitor exactly what's inside their refrigerator on their smartphones or tablets. The built-in camera detects the opening and closing of the refrigerator, capturing images of the food items stored inside when last opened. Using HomeChat, users can see exactly what they need to buy when they're at the grocery store or supermarket.
Using the built-in LCD panel or LG Smart Refrigerator smartphone app, users can check the content of their refrigerator without opening the door. The Smart Manager's Freshness Tracker makes it possible to input a wide range of foods and beverages to keep track of expiration dates. Smart Manager can also recommend meal options based on the ingredients stored in the refrigerator.
LG's Health Manager can make recipe recommendations as well as daily and weekly meal plans based on the user's personal profile.
With HomeChat, consumers can remotely control and monitor their LG smart washing machine from outside the home. By texting start washing cycle when they head for home, LG's smart washing machine will ensure that the laundry is completed by the time they get home. Users can also receive real time updates on the washer's progress. LG's smart washing machine is equipped with a smart touch display that makes it easy to select or download appropriate wash cycles via a WiFi connection.
With HomeChat and Recipe Search, homeowners can converse with their smart LG oven to recommend recipes for specific dishes. Select Return-home using HomeChat and the smart oven will ask, what dish would you like to make today- and open the Recipe Search window. When ready to cook, the oven will set the oven's temperature and cooking time for the particular dish.
LG also plans to introduce the HomeChat-compatible smart refrigerator, washing machine and oven in other markets including the United States.