MWC: ARCHOS Announces First 256 GB Android Tablet
ARCHOS at MWC 2015 presents the ARCHOS Fusion Storage, a software that combines the memory of any micro SD card with the internal storage on a device. On display at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, ARCHOS has its new range of Magnus tablets featuring up to 256 GB of internal storage.
ARCHOS Fusion Storage optimizes data storage by fusing internal memory with external microSD card memory. Once activated, the technology automatically migrates data from the micro SD card and optimizes memory balance, resulting in an increase in install space for apps and games, as well as more storage for media and large files.
ARCHOS Fusion Storage will be available on all new ARCHOS tablets and smartphones, including the new Magnus tablets, and through Over
- The-Air updates on select models.
The first ever Android tablets with up to 256 GB of internal memory, the Magnus range, is replacing mechanical drives for ultra-fast flash drives.
The ARCHOS 94 Magnus and ARCHOS 101 Magnus Plus feature 256 GB and 128 GB of internal storage respectively.
They feature Cortex A17 quad-core processors capable of running apps and games smoothly while remaining energy efficient for even longer battery life.
The ARCHOS 101 Magnus Plus 128 GB will be available in April 2015 at $349. The ARCHOS 94 Magnus 256 GB will be also released in April at $349 exclusively on the archos.com online store. ARCHOS will also be launching the ARCHOS 101 Magnus– the first tablet with 64GB of internal storage at $179.