New Xbox 360 Firmware Bypasses Xbox Live Bans
Just a few weeks after Microsoft's decision to ban modified Xbox 360 game consoled from its Xbox Live service, modders released a firmware for the Xbox drive that defeats "all Xbox Live detection attempts."
The new firmware appeared at the xbox-scene.com web-site, and it applies to the TS-H943 xbox 360 DVD-ROM drive. According to the modders' release notes, the new firmware "Defeats all current and some future Xbox Live detection attempts," but it only supports booting of Stealth Xtreme Xbox 360 "backups". However,
it boots all Xbox 360 and Xbox 1 originals on Xbox 360.
Microsoft banned owners of modified Xbox 360 game consoles to a have access to the Xbox LIVE game community two weeks ago.
"One of the great things about LIVE and the unified community is that we work hard to create a level playing field for all gamers and have a no tolerance policy towards inappropriate behavior like hacking or cheating," read Microsoft's announcement.
"As a result, some consumers that try to login to LIVE who we detect have illegally modified their console will get an error code (Status Code: Z: 8015 - 190D) when trying to connect to the service. These users will not have their account automatically banned from LIVE, but they will no longer be able to access the service from the console they modified," Microsoft had added.
The cat and dog game between Microsoft and the "hacking" online community seems to continue, as it happens in all cases where copyright restrictions are being applied.
Microsoft banned owners of modified Xbox 360 game consoles to a have access to the Xbox LIVE game community two weeks ago.
"One of the great things about LIVE and the unified community is that we work hard to create a level playing field for all gamers and have a no tolerance policy towards inappropriate behavior like hacking or cheating," read Microsoft's announcement.
"As a result, some consumers that try to login to LIVE who we detect have illegally modified their console will get an error code (Status Code: Z: 8015 - 190D) when trying to connect to the service. These users will not have their account automatically banned from LIVE, but they will no longer be able to access the service from the console they modified," Microsoft had added.
The cat and dog game between Microsoft and the "hacking" online community seems to continue, as it happens in all cases where copyright restrictions are being applied.