Philips DVDR1648P
18. DVD+R DL - Page 1
Review Pages
2. Reading Tests
3. CD Error Correction
4. DVD Error Correction Tests
5. Protected Disc Tests
6. DAE Tests
7. Audio Protections Tests
8. CD Recording Tests
9. C1/C2 Errors Measurements
10. Writing Quality - Clover System Tests
11. DVD Recording Tests
12. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 1
13. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 2
14. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 3
15. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 4
16. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 5
17. Writing Quality - Almedio AEC-1000
18. DVD+R DL - Page 1
19. DVD+R DL - Page 2
20. Philips DVDR1648P vs SA300 - Page 1
21. Philips DVDR1648P vs SA300 - Page 2
22. Philips DVDR1648P vs SA300 - Page 3
23. Philips DVDR1648P vs SA300 - Page 4
24. Booktype Setting
25. Conclusion
- Writing Tests
We burned some DVD+R DL and DVD-R DL discs with data content. For this task we used "Create Data Disc" from Nero CDSpeed in order to fully burn the discs.
Mitsubishi Chemicals DVD+R DL 8X
The specific DL disc from Mitsubishi Chemicals is certified for 8X burning, one of the few if not the only one. Since it is new, most burners don't support it at 8X, while the Philips seems to. However, the recording speed was reduced over the second layer from 8X down to 4X. This is the reason for the reported 22:06 min total time needed.
Traxdata DVD+R DL 2.4X
Since our first burned disc was not readable with CDSpeed and Plextools, we repeated the recording with a second disc. Unfortunately, it seems that the drive does not like the specific media. During the burning process, we got the following message.
Mitsubishi Chemicals DVD-R DL 4X
No problems with the specific media from Mitsubishi Chemicals. The reported recording time at 4X was 29:25 min.
We also tried the new DVD-R DL 4X disc from Traxdata, but it seems that the Philips drive is not compatible with the specific media, at least with the current firmware revision.
We hope the next firmware for the Philips DVDR1648P drive will solve any issues we have encountered with Traxdata media.
Review Pages
2. Reading Tests
3. CD Error Correction
4. DVD Error Correction Tests
5. Protected Disc Tests
6. DAE Tests
7. Audio Protections Tests
8. CD Recording Tests
9. C1/C2 Errors Measurements
10. Writing Quality - Clover System Tests
11. DVD Recording Tests
12. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 1
13. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 2
14. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 3
15. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 4
16. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 5
17. Writing Quality - Almedio AEC-1000
18. DVD+R DL - Page 1
19. DVD+R DL - Page 2
20. Philips DVDR1648P vs SA300 - Page 1
21. Philips DVDR1648P vs SA300 - Page 2
22. Philips DVDR1648P vs SA300 - Page 3
23. Philips DVDR1648P vs SA300 - Page 4
24. Booktype Setting
25. Conclusion