Primera sets new performance standard with CD/DVD duplicators and publishers
Primera Technology, a leading manufacturer of CD and DVD duplicators and printers, announces it's upgrade to 52x CD-R recording speeds for the ComposerT and BravoT lines of CD/DVD duplicators.
The Composer, ComposerPlus, ComposerPro and ComposerMAX Optical Disc Duplicators and the Bravo Disc Publisher now include LG Electronics' 52x CD-R drives. With the upgraded drive speed, Composer models now complete a full burn cycle in less than 3 minutes per full 700MB disc. The speed of the burn cycle increases when less data is stored on the CD-R.
"The new faster drive speed is a direct reflection of commitment to our customers," says Mark Strobel, Primera's VP of Sales & Marketing. "We are committed to remaining at the forefront of technology in the CD/DVD duplication and printing industry."
"The new faster drive speed is a direct reflection of commitment to our customers," says Mark Strobel, Primera's VP of Sales & Marketing. "We are committed to remaining at the forefront of technology in the CD/DVD duplication and printing industry."