Samsung Creates Thinnest LCD - Again
It seems like it was just yesterday when Samsung last claimed the title of world's thinnest LCD, but the company now seems to be facing a challenge from within, with subsidiary Samsung SDI announcing its bested its parent company's shortly-held record by a few millimeters. For those keeping score, Samsung SDI's LCD comes in at a mere 0.74 millimeters thick, which is more than enough to push Samsung Electronics' 0.82 mm thick LCD down to second place. Of course, the new record holder's still in prototype form, meaning it's still a ways off from actually finding its way into a cellphone, with the company only going so far as to say that it'll make an appearance in its "next-generation phones." Closer to reality, however, is Samsung's comparatively thicker 1.9 mm LCD, which the company says will soon be going into mass production before winding its way into its Ultra Edition II handsets this spring.