Samsung Launches First Flexible TV
The Samsung UN78S9B is the world's first ultra-high-definition TV that goes from flat to concave curve, on command. Launching now in S. Korea, the 78-inch TV was demonstrated for the first time at the 2014 International CES in January.
The TV boasts four times the resolution of High Definition and has been designed to offer a more immersive, cinematic experience.
Last month, Samsung also launched three new ranges of flat UHDTVs, including its first sub-$1000 model -- the 40-inch HU6950, then followed that up with the gigantic 105-inch curved screen UN105S9 UHD TV with its equally colossal $120,000 price tag.
Samsung's direct rival LG has been also busy launching new TVs. Earlier this week it launched its own 105-inch curved screen UHDTV and just like Samsung, demonstrated a flat screen TV that converts to a curved screen on command at CES this year.
There is currently no word as to how much Samsung's bendable television will cost, or when it will be offered for sale beyond South Korea.