Sony Updates Digital Paper
Sony has made a range of updates to Digital Paper, enabling new features and more flexible user operation. Enhancements include internal memory encryption to further protect users’ confidential data, and support for PDF forms. The new version 1.3 updates are available now as free-of-charge downloads or manual updates.
Digital Paper’s new security is based on the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES 256) encryption technology. Features include a device lock with longer password requirements, and internal memory encryption.
Digital Paper now supports PDF forms, which provide an interactive system for collecting and analyzing information within a document. The supported interactive form fields include: Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, List Boxes, and Text Boxes.
The new upgrades deliver enhancements to Digital Paper’s handwriting, note-taking and file management capabilities, including:
- An easier-to-navigate toolbar – users can select left or right side placement of the toolbar, which is customizable to show commonly-used tools
- Erasing – users can assign the "Pen Button Settings" to "Eraser Active" and also press the Pen Button to erase annotations quickly. Alternatively, from the Settings menu, users can set Pen Buttons to "Highlight active" or "Button Inactive." Users can also limit erasing annotations to prevent accidental erasures by other users.
- Handwriting in "zoom" mode
- Undo/Redo feature
- Note-taking – V1.3 adds the ability to insert, add or delete pages and change the note template.
- File Management – users can now duplicate files, create and delete folders and have easier access to a "Tab List" to quickly access already opened documents.
- Page Navigation – users can still swipe with their fingers and use the [>] [<] buttons to change pages, and now they can also jump to a page by entering the page number.
Sony’s Digital Paper has a 13.3-inch display that shows full-screen views of letter-sized forms and documents as PDFs, eliminating the need to zoom or scroll when reading a page.
The device’s touch panel enables users to operate the menu or turn pages by simply touching the screen. Using the included stylus, individuals can write directly on the panel, and also highlight and erase text.