BTC 5224IM
2. Data Tests
Data Tests
- Pressed CD results (74min and 80min CDSpeed graphs)
All the drives support the 52X CAV reading speed. As you can see there is not any clear lead but speaking with numbers, the BTC drive is the fastest in the test with 39.92X average reading speed.
BTC 5224IM and CyberDrive CW099D gave almost the same seek times with pressed discs, and seems to be the fastest in this test. The Asus CRW5224 is slightly slower while the Aopen CRW5224 follows.
- CD-R results (74min and 80min CDSpeed graphs)
With CD-R media, the BTC drive keeps up the good performance and finishes with a 39.34X average reading speed. All the drives finished the test in a faster speed than with pressed media.
The seek times with CD-R media are slightly lower than in the previous test with the pressed discs. The BTC and Asus drives lead the race giving less than 80msec for the Random seek mode.
- RW media (Press for CDSpeed graph)
BTC 5224IM supports the 32X CAV reading speed for the HS-RW format. The drive started reading at 14X and gradually accelerated to 32.39X by the end of the disc. However, the compatible drives were faster and the Aopen drive is finished the same task with an average speed of 37.61X. The CyberDrive and Asus drives follow with 31.78X and 31.15X respectively.