Europe to Get Sexy New LG Lineup
It looks like reporters at NewMobile.com recently had a chat with the folks at LG and had a look at some of their rather sexy new handsets. They all look black and polished and very nice.
Dirk Jan van Heteren mentioned ? the upcoming introduction of a new Windows Mobile smart phone from LG. The device is build-in a candybar/monoblock form factor and runs Windows Mobile 5.0 smartphone edition. The complete device is controlled with touchpanel keys and controls. Even the numerical keypad contains a touchpanel system."
LG has not been in the smartphone market until this point. It will be interesting to see which carriers and which markets they test. Hopefully, more information will be made public around 3GSM World Congress in February.
If you want to see the full article and pictures of the new lineup ? follow this link: