Huawei Files Lawsuit against U.S. Commerce Department
Huawei Technologies Co Inc filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Commerce Department on Friday challenging whether telecommunications equipment it sent from China to the United States, and then back to China, is covered by Export Administration Regulations.
China’s largest smartphone maker said it’s been waiting for nearly two years for a decision by the U.S. Commerce Department on whether the unspecified equipment can be moved back to China. The hardware had been in the U.S. for testing and was seized in Alaska by the U.S. government as it was ready to be saent back to China, according to the company’s lawsuit. No decision has been made about whether a license is required to ship it.
The case is Huawei v. U.S. Department of Commerce, 19-cv-1828, U.S. District Court, District of Columbia (Washington).
The lawsuit is the latest salvo in a battle between the U.S. government and Huawei. Washington says the Chinese company’s telecommunications gear could be used by Beijing to spy. Huawei denies that is the case.
In May, the Trump administration added Huawei to the entity list, barring it from buying needed U.S. parts and components without U.S. government approval.