IRMA certifies Sanyo Laser products anti-piracy compliant
The Sanyo Laser Products' Indiana facility has completed the internationally approved Anti-Piracy Compliance Program developed by the International Recording Media Association (IRMA). With over 70 plants enrolled worldwide, the IRMA Anti-Piracy Compliance Program (APCP) is well recognized as an effective weapon for replicators and duplicators to combat piracy. With this program in place, content holders are able to identify manufacturers that are protecting their interests by complying with stringent manufacturing and operational procedures.
Including the recently certified Sanyo Indiana facility, 39 manufacturing plants have earned and/or maintain Anti-Piracy Compliancy worldwide.
SANYO Laser Products (SLP) was established in 1986 by the SANYO Electric Company in order to produce compact discs for the US marketplace. The facility has achieved numerous industry milestones including a bevy of industry, quality and customer satisfaction accolades. One such noteworthy honor is SANYO Laser Products' ISO 9002 certification that was awarded to the company in 1998.
"Our over 16-years of experience in disc replication has shown us that a client's needs always come first," comments Hideo Nakai, President and CEO of SANYO Laser Products, Inc. "Fighting content piracy is one of the best ways to support the intellectual property rights of our many clients. SANYO Laser Products reaffirms this commitment to its clients by formally receiving certification of IRMA's Anti-Piracy Program."
"No honor is greater to me than the continued patronage from our many friends who have been with our company since its very beginnings," continued Hideo Nakai, on the firm's many happy longstanding customers. "We make a difference to this industry and to our clients by continuing to excel in the qualities that made this firm great when we started. Exceptional quality of discs and service, timely scheduling and the incredibly dedicated SANYO employees make our company stand out from the competition. Going with SANYO is the safe choice for all your disc replication needs." For additional information on SANYO Laser Products, please check out the web site at www.sanyolaserproducts.com.
Tony Perez, Worldwide Director of IRMA's Anti-Piracy Compliance Program said, "With their certification, Sanyo Laser joins an army of replicators and duplicators that have allied themselves with content holders in the war on piracy."
The IRMA Anti-Piracy Compliance Program was developed with input and support from the IRMA Anti-Piracy Coalition, comprised of optical media replicators, and the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), the Motion Picture Association (MPA), the Business Software Alliance (BSA), the Software Information Industry Association (SIIA), the Interactive Digital Software Association (IDSA) and the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI).
SANYO Laser Products (SLP) was established in 1986 by the SANYO Electric Company in order to produce compact discs for the US marketplace. The facility has achieved numerous industry milestones including a bevy of industry, quality and customer satisfaction accolades. One such noteworthy honor is SANYO Laser Products' ISO 9002 certification that was awarded to the company in 1998.
"Our over 16-years of experience in disc replication has shown us that a client's needs always come first," comments Hideo Nakai, President and CEO of SANYO Laser Products, Inc. "Fighting content piracy is one of the best ways to support the intellectual property rights of our many clients. SANYO Laser Products reaffirms this commitment to its clients by formally receiving certification of IRMA's Anti-Piracy Program."
"No honor is greater to me than the continued patronage from our many friends who have been with our company since its very beginnings," continued Hideo Nakai, on the firm's many happy longstanding customers. "We make a difference to this industry and to our clients by continuing to excel in the qualities that made this firm great when we started. Exceptional quality of discs and service, timely scheduling and the incredibly dedicated SANYO employees make our company stand out from the competition. Going with SANYO is the safe choice for all your disc replication needs." For additional information on SANYO Laser Products, please check out the web site at www.sanyolaserproducts.com.
Tony Perez, Worldwide Director of IRMA's Anti-Piracy Compliance Program said, "With their certification, Sanyo Laser joins an army of replicators and duplicators that have allied themselves with content holders in the war on piracy."
The IRMA Anti-Piracy Compliance Program was developed with input and support from the IRMA Anti-Piracy Coalition, comprised of optical media replicators, and the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), the Motion Picture Association (MPA), the Business Software Alliance (BSA), the Software Information Industry Association (SIIA), the Interactive Digital Software Association (IDSA) and the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI).