Plextor 20x writing speed drive ships this year?
There are some rumours float around ,some days now, that Plextor plans to ship 20x writing, 10x re-write and ?x reading speed CDR-W drive. When first I read that rumour ,I thought that maybe it could be true since other competitors (aka Yamaha) plans to ship FIRST 16x/10x/40x CDR-W drive around November 2000. The common sense says that if you want to overcome competition you must ship something unique..
However after some contacts we had ,even they didn't rejected the rumour, we was told that we will NOT see ,probably we add, Plextor 20x writing speed CDR-W drive this year. Why you might ask..You will find the answer in the luck of compatible 20x media and pickups from Sanyo. But then again, nothing is 100% sure in CDR business so keep visiting www.cdrinfo.com for the latest news/rumours ;) NULL
However after some contacts we had ,even they didn't rejected the rumour, we was told that we will NOT see ,probably we add, Plextor 20x writing speed CDR-W drive this year. Why you might ask..You will find the answer in the luck of compatible 20x media and pickups from Sanyo. But then again, nothing is 100% sure in CDR business so keep visiting www.cdrinfo.com for the latest news/rumours ;) NULL