Sharp Showcases RoboHon Mobile Robot At Ceatec
Sharp has developed a phone shaped like a robot called RoboHon. The 19.5cm robot has a 2-inch screen on the back and a 8 megapixel camera and projector built into its face. RoboHon walks, talks, dances, and connects to LTE /3G. It is capable of identifying people by their face or voice, and will act accordingly, telling them they have a new message or to smile for the camera.
RoboHon weighs 390g and is compact enough to fit in a bag or a pocket. It can be operated as a normal mobile phone through its touchscreen but also project photos and video, maps, etc. to a wall (1280 x 720 pixels).
Basic specifications of the device include a 2-inch QVGA rear camera, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 MSM 8926 CPU clocked at 1.2GHz, and 3G/LTE/802.11b/g/n connectivity. Sharp did not disclose any details related to the operating system of the small device.
Sharp said RoboHon was developed in order to showcase the company's technology capabilities in the areas of artificial intelligennce.
It is scheduled to be released in the first half of 2016.