BIEM - International Organization for Mechanical Rights Societies - Endorses IRMA's Anti-Piracy Program
The International Recording Media Association (IRMA) and BIEM have announced jointly a cooperative relationship to strengthen the global fight against piracy of intellectual property.
The Bureau International des Sociιtιs Gιrant les Droits d'Enregistrement et de Reproduction Mιcanique (BIEM) is the international organization representing mechanical rights societies. With nearly 100 replication plants participating around the world in its Anti-Piracy Compliance Program, IRMA is spearheading the protection of intellectual property in the manufacturing sector with its stringent set of standards and procedures plants must follow to achieve and maintain certification. IRMA also is launching Operation Content Safe this month to develop best practices for curbing piracy and increasing security along the "cradle-to-grave" content delivery supply chain.
BIEM represents mechanical rights societies licensing the reproduction of content (including musical, literary and dramatic works); their members are composers, authors and publishers and their clients are record companies and other users of recorded music. The societies also license mechanical aspects of Internet downloading of music. BIEM is based in Neuilly-sur-Seine (France) and represents 44 societies, from 42 countries.
Theo Kφhler, European Director of the IRMA Anti-Piracy Compliance Program noted, "This alliance with BIEM is a valuable addition and emphasizes the importance of our continuing and unified effort to combat piracy around the world. We look forward to working with BIEM and its society members in the vital intellectual property rights protection battle ground."
BIEM's Secretary-General Ronald Mooij, said, "The value of IRMA's Anti-Piracy Compliance Program is a proven and significant weapon in the industry's aggressive campaign to protect intellectual property rights for our constituents and their members. More than ever in this digital age, this global anti-piracy effort needs the combined forces of industry leaders. We are pleased to endorse and to be involved in this comprehensive campaign that has demonstrated just how effective and powerful cooperative industry efforts can be."
Founded in 1929, BIEM assists in collaboration between its member societies and to help in designing solutions for circumstances arising between its individual members and between members and user groups. BIEM represents and defends the interests of its member societies, particularly in global forums relating to authors' rights.
IRMA members represent more than 490 multi-international companies in more than 40 countries representing 80% of the recorded media industry's capacity. It is the recognized advocate for all recording media and its anti-piracy compliance plan is the sole industry program accepted by leading content owners and their associations. Based in Princeton, NJ, USA with Anti-Piracy offices in Washington DC, USA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Hong Kong, the organization's members include the entire supply chain in the recording media industry, from content owners, to machinery, equipment, and supplies, packaging, distribution and content delivery.
The IRMA Anti-Piracy Compliance Program is acknowledged as the industrys only certification program that helps manufacturers of prerecorded media reduce the risk of publishing pirated material, thereby protecting the intellectual property rights of their customers. The program has received global industry recognition, with support shown from companies and organizations in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. The programs standards and procedures were developed with assistance and input from the IRMA Anti-Piracy Coalition, comprised of optical media replicators, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), the Motion Picture Association (MPA), the Business Software Alliance (BSA), the Software Information Industry Association (SIIA), the Interactive Digital Software Association (IDSA) and the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI).