AOpen DUW1608/ARR
6. DAE Tests
Review Pages
2. Transfer Rate Reading Tests
3. CD Error Correction Tests
4. DVD Error Correction Tests
5. Protected Disc Tests
6. DAE Tests
7. Protected AudioCDs
8. CD Recording Tests
9. Writing Quality Tests - Clover System Tests
10. DVD Recording Tests
11. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 1
12. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 2
13. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 3
14. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 4
15. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 5
16. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 6
17. Writing Quality Tests - Almedio AEC-1000
18. DVD+R DL - Page 1
19. DVD+R DL - Page 2
20. AOpen vs SA300
21. Booktype Setting
22. Conclusion
The AOpen DUW1608/ARR supports up to 48X CAV DAE speed. When using pressed AudioCD and its CD-R copy with EAC, we logged the following results:
Great performance from the AOpen drive in this test. Fast ripping with no problems at all, and in fact a little bit faster than the other drives in the comparison.
- Advanced DAE QualityThe AOpen DUW1608/ARR supports reading of SubChannel data, Leadin / Leadout data and CD Text and was, again, the fastest of all the drives in the comparison. The DUW1608 received a score of 100 (perfect) in the Nero CD Speed Advanced DAE test.
- Reading 90/ 99mins AudioCDs
- 90min AudioCD
The AOpen DUW1608/ARR managed to read successfully the entire 90mins disc, without reporting any errors. Reading speed was reduced after the 65th minute and remained stable at 10x.
- 99min AudioCD
The AOpen DUW1608/ARR managed to read successfully the entire 99mins disc, without reporting any errors. Reading speed was reduced after the 94th minute. Very good performance indeed, since not many drives manage to read successfully, both the 90 and 99 minute test discs. Usually they choke on one or both.
Review Pages
2. Transfer Rate Reading Tests
3. CD Error Correction Tests
4. DVD Error Correction Tests
5. Protected Disc Tests
6. DAE Tests
7. Protected AudioCDs
8. CD Recording Tests
9. Writing Quality Tests - Clover System Tests
10. DVD Recording Tests
11. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 1
12. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 2
13. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 3
14. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 4
15. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 5
16. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 6
17. Writing Quality Tests - Almedio AEC-1000
18. DVD+R DL - Page 1
19. DVD+R DL - Page 2
20. AOpen vs SA300
21. Booktype Setting
22. Conclusion