EnGenius EWS356-FIT
5. Advanced installation
Review Pages
2. Retail Package
3. FitXpress App
4. Operation - Features
5. Advanced installation
6. Conclusion
Lastly, we wanted to mention the second (hard way) to activate your device. In that mode instead of using the FitExpress app, at the initial step:
- Use your client device (e.g., a laptop, mobile device, or tablet) to find the SSID: “EnMGMTxxxx” and connect to it. EnMGMTxxxx - xxxx is the last four digits of MAC - MAC can be found on the device label on the back of the access point.
- Under your web browser, enter the URL: http://EnGenius.local or to access the device’s user interface.
- Use the default login credential (ID/PWD: admin/admin) to log in to the device’s local web page.
In that mode, we can see much more options and controls over the device, compared with the FitExpress app. Our device also includes 3GB of RAM, which wasn't visible in the App. Note that you cannot use both this method and the FitXpress app.
Review Pages
2. Retail Package
3. FitXpress App
4. Operation - Features
5. Advanced installation
6. Conclusion