Fujitsu and IBM Offer Biometric Security Solution that Replaces Passwords with the Scan of an Employee's Palm
IBM and Fujitsu today announced a new security solution that integrates palm vein biometric technology from Fujitsu with IBM's enterprise single sign on solution.
The new offering aims to help companies bypass the hassles of managing multiple passwords for access to critical business information by enabling employees to scan their palms to verify their identities. By integrating the palm vein technology with IBM's single sign-on software, employees can securely access applications, files and websites with a single scan of their palm - eliminating the need to remember multiple passwords and the threats posed by those lost or stolen.
The solution combines Fujitsu PalmSecure LOGONDIRECTOR with IBM Tivoli Access Manager for Single Sign-On, providing organizations with an authentication solution for protecting data while also complying with HIPAA, Sarbanes Oxley, PCI DDS and other industry and federal regulations.
For example, an employee simply holds their hand over a small scanning device attached to their computer that reads the vein patterns in their palm and instantly recognizes the user?s identity and what access that affords them. The Fujitsu PalmSecure palm vein authentication technology uses near-infrared light to capture a person's palm vein pattern, generating a unique biometric template that is matched against users? pre-registered palm vein patterns.
The International Biometrics Group (IBG), which evaluates biometric products through comparative testing, found that palm vein technology competes well with iris scanning technology in accuracy, and demonstrated extremely low occurrences of both false positive and false negative readings. It utilizes no trace technology which leaves virtually no biometric footprint behind and therefore it is difficult to spoof, especially when compared with cheaper fingerprinting devices.
IBM Tivoli Access Manager for Enterprise Single Sign-On allows a user to log in once to gain access to various systems or applications to do their jobs without being prompted to log in again at each of them. The combined solution from IBM and Fujitsu now uses palm vein technology in place of a user needing to even type a password once.
For more information about IBM security solutions, visit: http://www-01.ibm.com/software/tivoli/solutions/identity-mgmt/

For example, an employee simply holds their hand over a small scanning device attached to their computer that reads the vein patterns in their palm and instantly recognizes the user?s identity and what access that affords them. The Fujitsu PalmSecure palm vein authentication technology uses near-infrared light to capture a person's palm vein pattern, generating a unique biometric template that is matched against users? pre-registered palm vein patterns.
The International Biometrics Group (IBG), which evaluates biometric products through comparative testing, found that palm vein technology competes well with iris scanning technology in accuracy, and demonstrated extremely low occurrences of both false positive and false negative readings. It utilizes no trace technology which leaves virtually no biometric footprint behind and therefore it is difficult to spoof, especially when compared with cheaper fingerprinting devices.
IBM Tivoli Access Manager for Enterprise Single Sign-On allows a user to log in once to gain access to various systems or applications to do their jobs without being prompted to log in again at each of them. The combined solution from IBM and Fujitsu now uses palm vein technology in place of a user needing to even type a password once.
For more information about IBM security solutions, visit: http://www-01.ibm.com/software/tivoli/solutions/identity-mgmt/